Saturday, September 5, 2015

How to De - Bloat Your Face

How to De - Bloat Your Face

We all have those magical days when we take a break from our healthy vitamin-rich diet and binge on our favorite things in life: cookies, pizza, ice cream, cheeseburgers and copious amounts of chocolate. Sounds pretty blissful, right? That being said, nothing brings us back to reality quite like that first glance in the mirror the morning after aforementioned Binge Day. Yikes! Unfortunately, the magic of all that indulgent goodness did not rub off on your face — well, it did, but not in a good way. Somehow, overnight, your normally slim, chiseled face transformed to resemble that of the Pillsbury Dough Boy … not a good look. Before you work yourself into a frenzy, take a look at these tips that will help you deflate that puffy mug!

Image : source

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