Saturday, September 5, 2015

7 Beauty Mistakes You're Making in the Shower

7 Beauty Mistakes You're Making in the Shower

Some of the world's best inventions, philosophies, and ideologies were probably thought up mid-bathe. Most of us do our best thinking (and best beautifying) in the shower. But where did the genius concept of bathing come from, anyway? Our earliest understanding of showers started with the waterfall. Ancient people would immerse themselves in natural springs for a good scrub. Then, there is evidence of upper-class Egyptians and Mesopotamians having indoor bathing rooms in their homes. Sure, these involved a jug, some cold water, and servant doing the work, but it was the closest thing to hygiene they had available. The first real showers, with pipes and all that hip, modern technology, were brought to us by the ancient Greeks, who created communal showers for the elite and commoners alike. Save water by showering with the whole town, as they used to say. I think.

Image : source

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