Friday, September 4, 2015

How to Wash Your Hair Properly?

How to Wash Your Hair Properly?

You may do it practically every day, but do you really know how to wash your hair the right way? Using the correct techniques can make a world of difference in your hair’s health, bounce and shine but if you’re making some common mistakes, you could be damaging your strands without even knowing it.

1. Start with a rinse: Just like your laundry needs a rinse cycle before you add detergent, hair should be thoroughly wet before you add your shampoo. Hot water will open the cuticle, which is good for removing any dirt or product trapped in the hair. When your hair is rinsed in warm water, it loosens the oils through the scalp and opens the cuticle so it is able to absorb the oil in your conditioner,

Image : source

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